Thursday 20 December 2012

Odd mermaid dreams.


So I do this thing where I record my dreams so I can remember them in more detail, and so that eventually i can have lucid dreaming (the ability to be aware that you're dreaming so that you can control them).

The most recent one that I had was ... I saved a baby indo-pacific dolphin and took it to a rehabilitation place... And a bunch of people wanted to touch and poke it. But it wouldn't leave my side because it was scared... And then the next night I dreamt that the baby dolphin I saved grew into a merman with a dolphin tail and my time of death was soon... I looked out my window from a Miami suite and everything was underwater... Yet the hotel I was in was located at a beach... On the beach there was a banshee siren that came for me. The dolphin boy (a boy because he wasn't a full grown man) tried to save me because I saved him.

Anybody know what this means?

Anyway, I'm gonna post up a few of my weird mermaid dreams here for your enjoyment.

1: I was playing on my very first PlayStation game, the little mermaid 2:return to the sea. the first level i was sucked into the video game and i became Ariel. it was so cool because my hair was red just like hers and even had a cute little realistic pouf! if any of you guys played the game (I'm pretty old but this was like when i was very young) the first level is when you are in Atlantica and just trying to get used to manoeuvring controls. so I'm in atlantica and my mission was to find the trident (like in the game) and Sebastian's shell-phone (not in the game but you had to do something else with him). i find all that i needed and returned the items to King Triton and Sebastian. i received a pearl as a reward from King Triton, and Sebastian changed the background music from the main intro, to under the sea (just like the game) i swim into my room and find my mother putting away my laundry when i realise "wait a sec I'm still a mermaid...I'M UNDERWATER." so i finish helping my mom put away the laundry and swim outside to meet up with kakashi, Naruto, sakura and sasuke (from Naruto) and the practise of the way was to stay underwater for as long as you can (which made no sense but its a dream, its not supposed to make sense.) I am paired up with sasuke and was walk (not swim) to this underwater theme park which was weird because it was sunny and snowing but we were still underwater. and then a whirlpool appears and sucks everything in like a black hole.

2: I was a mermaid and i was swimming just under the waves when suddenly i got attacked my another mermaid. i turn around to avoid her sound wave attack, turn towards her and circled my arms until i had a ball of energy and i pushed it in her direction (almost like Kamehameha and Hadouken combined? DBZ AND STREETFIGHTER? ANYONE?) i turned around to swim away before the attack hit her. i escaped into a nearby cave, where a pod of mermaids was hiding. i heard someone say "protect every mermaid" and they took me in even though i wasn't part of their pod. I noticed something off in the distance. my attack missed her and my ball of energy accumulated enough energy over time to become a huge super ball. it was headed towards a sort of stone fortress. we were in an abyss so i assume it was an underground volcano. it hit the fortress volcano and sea serpents/snakes swam out and was headed in our direction. they were quite large (imagine Voldemort's snake horcrux but 10 times thicker and longer). they seized hold of our bodies and took us to an underground cave where the volcano fortress was. and evil mermaid lived there with her pet snakes. she lined us up in a circle and a leader of my old tribe was there (Caterina from 'Lost voices' novel). the evil mermaid was the girl that Caterina and her pod had saved in the first novel but she was quite a beach. she gathered all of the pods of mermaids so that she could be queen mermaid. i refused and she sent her giant serpents to attack me! the rest of the dream was almost like a video-game where the snakes mopped out of holes and they sent mini snakes to attack unless i flicked rocks at them. the serpent attacks were venom wrapped in bubbles. her shark boys became sharks and also tried to attack me and the mermaids. one serpent swam up to me and started hissing at me! i made clicked sounds and it looked at me funny... even cocked its head like "What are you doing." the girls saw and decided to do the same. the snakes must have liked the clicking. i reached out my hand to tickle its chin like a cat and it stopped being aggressive. instead of attacking it rolled onto its stomach and became submissive. the shark boys continued to attack and i smack my fin in one of their faces so that eventually they became human boys and drowned. i hid in a little crevice between two rocks. then another shark boy came up and lead me to an underground tunnel where i could escape.

3: Continuing from above the next night... we both got caught by scientists and were kept in a tiny tank. the merman-shark boy was actually officer penguin. and we were waiting for someone to come in and break us out like in the 'splash' movie.

4: my school became flooded (apocalyptic stuff). i felt the water enter my lungs (but i could still breathe), and cold water on my body. it was dark and stormy. i think i became a mermaid because i had to swim a thousand miles underwater until i reached some barren arctic landscape where it was thundering.

5: i became an understudy for Sierra Boggess who plays Ariel in 'the little mermaid' on Broadway (and Christine in 'Phantom of the Opera 25th anniversary' and 'Love Never Dies') she couldn't make it to one of the shows because she was sick so i became Ariel. so i reenacted the entire Broadway show. which was pretty awesome.

6: i am Ariel again and i had to find melody (Ariel's child.. which would make her my child in the dream). i jump into the sea and my legs morphed into a tail. Every time i went further and deeper into the ocean a flash back would happen of Ariel and Eric of when they first met. when they end I'm back underwater. i continue to swim forward and deeper into the ocean until i wake up.

7:  i found myself in a circular bridal suite that had a secret massage way to the sea. my spirit split from my body and my spirit saw my body walk to the middle of the room. the room changed into the middle on the ocean. there was a thin layer of ice above the water that cracked. I saw an evil old woman (in the shape of a mermaid) in the mirror facing my body. it finally broke and i saw (and felt) my body submerge into a cold, icy grave. because i was a spirit still somehow connected to the body, i also felt myself drown and freeze. it was a weird feeling, like the feeling i just described... your lungs filling with water, except it was ice water. the thin layer of ice repaired itself.

Anyway that's just a few of my mermaid dreams. Later on I'll post a new post dedicated to Phantom of the Opera dreams. x)

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