Thursday 20 December 2012

End of the world?

So a friend of mine (let's call her Mama Jrock) attended a lecture at U of T 10 days ago. The lecture was titled 2012: The Science and Pseudoscience of the Apocalypse 

Basically a physicist debunked "all" the theories of the world ending tomorrow.
1. The Mayan calender was cyclical...52 year cycles. Simply put they could have gone extinct before they wrote the next cycle. In reality they did not have the means to map the stars in the sky therefore couldn't predict eminent disaster.

2. Pole reversal takes 1000 years. It is not spontaneous and therefore we'd have plenty of time to adjust.

3. Solar Flares while they will cause some power failures they will never be strong enough to wipe out the earth. The Sun's activity is monitored and we are actually in a period on less activity and also the flare bursts happen sparatically and therefore cannot be predicted on an exact date.

4. Planet X...if it was going to hit us tomorrow we'd see it in the sky already. It would be visible to the naked eye as the brightest object out there.

5. The planets aligning has happened many times in the history of the earth so we should have been obliterated several times by now.

Now I say "all" in quotations because they did not mention the zombie apocalypse, OR Satan rising from the depths of hell to commit mass homicide. Well Mr. physicist?

But I jest! 

Still, everyone I know is skipping work and staying home to be with family and friends. or... partying until the world ends. JUST IN CASE. "End of the world" parties. Now there's a funny idea.Now, I firmly do not believe the world is ending. Yet. However I shall be having my own "end of the world" party (as is everybody)... and renaming it the "Rise of the Antichrist" party, and at that party, rock of all types shall be played. and metal. And I shall drink cranberry juice because it looks like blood. And I shall don my mermaid tail because apparently mermaids are of the devil (I know not why, and I just can't be bothered to look it up)

Why am I doing this? Because this will scare my entire somewhat-Buddhist/Atheist family into thinking that I am a devil/Satan worshipper. And that is funny. Yes.

Ok I'm not that evil lol... it'd give me poor father a heart attack .__.

What's everyone gonna be doing tomorrow?

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