Monday 24 December 2012

Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D - Review

The title is self explanatory. I went to do see it!

Now, a little synopsis of the film courtesy of IMDb:
"A young woman is entranced by an Aerialist. When they fall [literally, fall into a gaping hole in a ground] into the dreamlike world of Cirque du Soleil and are separated, they travel through the different tent worlds trying to find each other. "
There's 7 worlds that they go into, which is basically 7 Cirque du Soleil performances; Viva Elvis, Beatles Love, and Ka were the ones I recognized, and the other ones I didn't recognize but they were awesome/sexy/mermaid-squee-worthy.

I'll talk about  few that I loved the most, but let me put this out there first; I loved the use of the water! And the swimming! -biased opinion- Anyway I don't seem to remember a lot of it now... I remember very few scenes, so let me just jot them all down here.

-So at the beginning of the first world, clowns. Ok. I hate clowns. But for the sake of this, I'm not gonna make a big deal out of it. There were swimmers, and people seemingly walking into a pool of water, and then swimming in it, and then 4 Asian girls performing acrobatic moves on top of the water which was the most coolest thing ever! After them there was a boat structure with people dressed as though they were skinless, so just muscle... they kinda looked like they were corpses. The thing I didn't like about this one particular show (besides clowns) was when the blue pool at the beginning turned red... it looked like blood. And then a red foot came out from the water (synchronized swimmer) as it they were swimming in the blood... that was scary...

-Then it transitioned into the next world of Ka (I freaked out so bad when they did this scene because they did this exact one for CSI: LAS VEGAS!! :squee!:...I know, I freaked out for all the wrong reasons) ...i just enjoyed this :) the wheel of death was awesome too!

-I recall this one scene of the Aerialist meeting with a bunny head. but then the bunny head flipped upside down on himself so that the bunny ears were the legs... and it was walking... looking up at the moon that turned into water, and a girl was swimming in a circular tub of water. her movements were so graceful and it looked so sensual. And then the Aerialist  jumped into the moon.. but the moon was a pool of water... SO BEAUTIFUL! The moon was like.. GLOWING TURQUOISE.

-They had ELVIS AND THE BEATLES SONGS! I was dancing in my seat!! (I've never seen the shows but I've heard how amazing they were).

-Another scene there was this weird KKK dude. UM... this part was especially scary for me, although i don't remember much of it. Throughout the whole thing, it was just music and very little dialogue. but this one scene was so intense for me... the girl screamed "HELP." I kept thinking, "how can this very simple thing make this particular scene so intense?" Wow... great job to whoever thought of this. It really did make it more intense! Then they did this one thing where people were on the rooftops and partying kind of like that one scene in Mary Poppins (Step in time)

- The most memorable scene for me was when they did a scene of the Aerialist UNDERWATER WITH JELLYFISH!!

-They went back into the world of Ka, and there were crustaceans and falling gravel stuff (this part I did not see on CSI, but they did mention that the gravel for the show is not real gravel. Thanks CSI. I forgot about it till now.)

-Final scene was when they "found love in a hopeless place" (cough. sorry the opportunity presented itself to me. moving on.) It was like they were underwater again! blue pillars.. like Atlantis and stuff.. and I really loved their interaction with each other <3 Good job, you two!

Overall it was the most magical thing I've ever seen! I gotta get me to a real show though.
Props to all the wonderful people who brought this together, and the performers, and the costume/makeup people, and the stars of the show, and the directors, and producers :)

8 stars out of 10!

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