Wednesday 16 January 2013

Love of my life.... What to do for our 6year anniversary..

So I came to the conclusion earlier today to buy Steven the God of War saga... Only to find out he has part one and two... But has not touched it! Smh.

On a better note. At least I know what not to get him for our 6 year anniversary.
And here I am presented with a new dilemma. Do I get him anything? Or be a cheap girlfriend? Save up for our wedding? Or not look cheap and be dumb spending money on useless stuff? Hmm... Well in any case i still spend money... So i suppose I shall pay for a nice dinner and rent a movie? Hm... maybe wings and alcoholic beverages and a good movie... Like the Clash of the Titans... Or Prometheus. Yeah those sound awesome.....

Actually now I'm contemplating on visiting the beach. In the weather? Yes why not? Just as romantic. Sitting along the lakeshore, watching the waves rock back and forth, listening to the crashing of the water .... Accompanying the sound of symphonic metal? Yeah.. That looks amazing.. Jut us two, the sand, the water, the cold, and the music. Ok not exactly romantic but the image in my head looks wonderful. Just us sitting and breathing in nature.. Breathing in the early air, the dawn on light... A sight so silence the heavens... And there I just roughly and loosely quoted a line from "Song of myself " by Nightwish.

Any other suggestions for a 6year anniversary date?

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