Friday 11 January 2013

Homophobes, what's wrong with you?

I honestly see nothing wrong with it.

What's wrong with two people loving each other? It's not like they're holding a gun to your head and threatening your family. Unlike the lot of you threatening them and smearing the hate all over and feeding the hate to your children.

What's wrong with two people of the same sex adopting children and getting married? They'll raise their children into becoming tolerable individuals, provide them with unconditional love, shelter, food, and comfort. And what two people do behind closed bedroom doors isn't any of your business.

And as for Christians (I am well aware some accept the LGBT community, kudos to you!) who think it's acceptable to hate because "Homosexuality is a sin," and believe that it should only be "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve?" 

The book says EVERYTHING (I'm over-exaggerating, if you can't tell) is a sin. So is listening to rock and roll, pop, rap, metal, etc,. 
So is wearing mixed fabric, and inking/tattooing your body.
So is sleeping around and being sexually active before marriage.
So is trying to be obsessively gorgeous (hey, who isn't guilty of this?), forever angry and a potty mouth, greedy and money grabbing (admit it, everyone is guilty of this including yours truly), and eating a ton and being super lazy (I'm Guilty of these too).  

I'm no Mother Theresa, and I don't believe in religion... but HYPOCRITICAL, OVERLY RELIGIOUS PEOPLE SHOULD NOT TALK.

Freedom of speech and expression, yeah fine whatever, talk. Unless you're doing this (and I reiterate) : threatening them and smearing the hate-shit all over, and feeding your children hate-shit.



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