Wednesday 1 October 2014

People's Choices vs My Beliefs

This topic has been on my mind for a while. I am going to talk about how people have every right to believe what they want to believe (so long as you are not an extremist and you do not attack other people or impose yourself on other people) versus my personal opinion on (i guess you could say "controversial") topics. FORGIVE ME IF IT GETS TOO PREACHY.

On Feminism and my opinion:

Before I start giving my opinion let me just say this: there are a lot of anti-feminism posts as soon as topics like rape culture, non consent, or "man-hating" discussions come up. There's also an equal amount of feminism posts for every person that decides on youtube comment sections that non-consensual sex or physical contact is ok and "leaked nudes" of celebrities appear because some deranged pervert decided to hack their phone.

Fem·i·nism:the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities

Back to my opinions, I find that a lot of my points tie in with the topic of feminism. Therefore, I'm going to move some of the points that talk about sexuality, sex, and the decisions to have offspring under this category, because it also deals with equal rights for men and women. I am not sure if I identify myself as a feminist (heck labels are stupid anyway) but I am going to just start by brain vomiting out everything on my mind.

Now my opinion on the matter:
- If you are anti feminist, I'm sure you have your reasons. Just remember that feminazi extremists do not count for all those who are feminists, and they make feminism look bad.
- If you are feminist, you also have your reasons. Just remember that not everyone knows what it truly means and automatically associate feminism with feminazis.
- I'm sure feminazi's have their reasons for hating men. that doesn't excuse their horrible behaviour. for example i don't like children... that doesn't mean im going to bring my friend to every abortion clinic, that's just stupid.
- feminism isn't anti-men. it's wanting to have the same rights as men. see above.
- I don't hate men! I know a lot of amazing men in my life who contribute to the good of society. I married a super  guy and he is the best person in the world! It takes two (men and women) for society to function, you can't live without the other!
- Men you can dress however you want; I will not judge you if you want to dress feminine and wear skirts, low riders, suit, or bright fashionable clothing. You only get one life (unless you're Hindu), so work it!
- Men and women, you can act however you want just so long as you are respectful of people's space and mindful of others.
- women should get the same amount of pay/ benefits for the same amount of work as men. No more, no less.
- Men, it's not my place to judge you if you are more sensitive and in touch with (for lack of a better term) "feminine qualities." I will not judge you if you want to be "macho" and "manly." I WILL, however judge you if you decide to impose yourself on women and "sensitive men," and I WILL  judge you if you suddenly decide to think "OH HOHO MEN ARE THE MORE DOMINANT SEX, AND THEREFORE WE MUST WIPE OUT THE WHOLE WOMANLY RACE.AND IF ANYONE IS SENSITIVE THEY ARE AUTOMATICALLY SISSIES/GAY/AND DESERVE TO GET ASS RAPED." I Am Loudly Judging You. No sex is more dominant than the other.
- Women, same goes for you too. It's not my place to judge if you are more "butch/manly/masculine" and are more in touch with "masculine qualities." i will also not judge you if you have traditional beliefs about women who should stay at home and raise children (hey someone's gotta take on the job regardless of who it is). But I AM going to judge you if you decide men need to be wiped off the face of the planet. seriously. stop it. I AM ALSO LOUDLY JUDGING YOU.
- I believe that if a woman or man wants to go into the corporate world or sex industry, or stay at home to raise children/cook/clean, they should have the right to do so.
- I believe in consensual sex between parties.
- I do not believe in victim blaming whenever a rape/ unwanted physical contact happens because that's like saying "oh you received a 3rd degree burn? someone set you on fire? well why didn't you wear fireproof clothing? why didn't you go through preventative measures? you must have secretly wanted it." it sounds stupid. you can't apply it to anything else so why rape? (Goes both ways for men and women and children who get raped or molested)
- If, however, you claim rape when it did not happen... you are a sick individual. like why would you make that kind of accusation?
- I believe rapists/ people who beat their spouses should be severely punished regardless of age/ race/ gender/ social status/ mental stability.
- I do not believe in older people taking advantage of a young child sexually. I believe that anybody who does needs to burn in some form of Hell/ purgatory whether it exists or not, and they should not have done it in the first place.
- I believe you can take nudes and send them to your partner (hey it spices things up before actual sex in the bedroom ok?). With that said,  I do not believe deranged pervert hackers have a right to hack into your phone to leak them to the public because that's like breaking into your home, taking your valuables, and putting it out on their lawn like it's a freaking exhibition. Like hello those are my belongings (again, goes both ways with men and women who take "selfies" of their sex organs).
- If you suddenly fall out and had a massive fight and want revenge and you just conveniently have their photos, I don't believe you should send them. At the time they trusted you to not leak those photos. You should respect that trust even though they were the ones that probably broke that trust.
- I believe if a woman is ok displaying her breasts (regardless if she is breastfeeding) then she should have the same right as man and go topless when it's hot outside. they're not sex organs, they're used to aid in the feeding of infants, but that's besides the point.
- If she is uncomfortable with displaying, we should also respect that!
- I believe men and women have the right to have children, or be child free. People with children, don't impose your beliefs onto the people who want to have no children! Please! I am on that child-free boat right now and it's not necessary!
- with that said, Men, if you want children and your significant other does not want children, ya gotta respect that, or wait because she or he is probably not ready, or go find a uterus to impregnate (with the uterus owner's permission), or if it is an option - adopt, or find a surrogate mother. discuss with your partner!!... also DON'T RAPE ANYONE.
- and women, if you want children and your significant other doesn't, don't freaking scare them off!!! Again, respect that, wait it out, or go to a sperm bank/ find a dick to jump on (with your significant other's permission.. although tbh im not sure if a male significant other would want that unless they're super ok with it...) again, discuss with your partner!!... also DON'T RAPE ANYONE.
- people should not treat other people like meat. it's disrespectful. unless they consented and were like "hey men and ladies, please take a look at this magazine spread/ad showing my goods, i'm sexy and i know it" then that's ok. i guess. (calvin klein male and women models anyone?)

So I guess to summarize the above points: freaking respect the other. it doesn't have to be an ego/ more-rights-than-the-other fight.

On Religion and my opinion: 

Religion is an organized collection of beliefscultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence.[note 1] Many religions have narrativessymbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of life or the Universe. From their beliefs about the cosmos and human nature, people derive moralityethicsreligious laws or a preferred lifestyle.
- It's usually extremist Christians/ Muslims/ who-or-what-ever-the-fuck-it-is who ruin the fun for everybody. Just remember that they are extremists. not every religious persons of different faiths are like them.
- I don't believe in the bible. i'm pretty sure some bombaclot decided to take advantage of the real meaning of the bible and revised it multiple times over and over. sorry i'm not sorry.
- whatever religion you believe in, as long as it makes you a better person today/tomorrow/ in the future and it contributes to the good of society, that's all that matters.
(unless you're a rude douchebag, or an extremist who thinks sacrifice murders are ok, or person who uses religion as a means to control people :| you are bullies and sick bastards, and you all need to jump off a cliff. no offence to suicide survivors.)
- I believe that science can back up some religious claims. but must religious claims are hocus pocus so i mainly believe in science.
- Having said that, also I believe that there is male energy and female energy working together to create balance. I don't believe in malevolent sky gods who hate people for ridiculous reasons like being gay or sexually active. It's a complicated situation I'm in.
- some religious beliefs are out dated and do not apply to today's world. those need to be changed/ re-evaluated/ removed.
- anyone who goes on religious missions to spread the word of God and their beliefs has my respect (unless you're an extremist manipulative douchebag, you don't get my respect at all and you should still jump off a cliff.). i could never do that for something i believe in. i'm too lazy.

main points: your imaginary friend is not better than the other imaginary friend. Both of your goals are clear: ya'll want to create better people for a better tomorrow. awesome. that doesn't give you the right to murder/enslave/ manipulate people. CAN WE ALL JUST STOP GOING ON THESE FUCKING "HOLY" WARS? cuz right now, ya'll aren't holy.

On Vegans, dietary choices, and my opinion:

- I think vegans are awesome. They clearly know what's up and they care about the planet enough to change their lifestyle! What is NOT awesome is when some (not all) of them don't take into account everyone's dietary needs, and don't know them personally. For example, i tried going vegan for a week i became super exhausted (no i did not just eat salad the whole week breakfast lunch and dinner). It just isn't physically possible for me. Actually i went to the doctors and said i had very low blood pressure and extremely low iron levels. she told me to eat more red meats and more sodium. This diet isn't suitable for everyone and some fail to understand that it could hinder their health when all they can think about are "the poor animals! think of them, you murderer!"if you are a super understanding vegan/ fruitarian/ vegetarian, thank you so much for understanding. this diet isn't for everyone but since it worked out for you i am super happy for you. for those who are ignorant and say i don't care about the future of the planet and that i am super selfish... maybe you need to back the fuck up and chill out. i can admit that some people don't do the vegan thing because they love their meat, and most do it for the taste... but let me tell you right now, i wish i could be sailing on that boat you're on right now! you don't think i know that i'm contributing to CO2/greenhouse gas emissions, and water waste? you don't think i know we're feeding the animals human crops that could feed thousands of people and end hunger? i have enough guilt thank you, i don't need it to follow me wherever i go.
I can happily say however i have cut pork and dairy products out of my diet, and look for sustainable certified food when grocery shopping. and when i go eat sushi, i avoid eel, atlantic salmon, and tuna (endangered btw)
- people who choose to eat organic... where do you find your food?? share with us!! o-o
- people who shop locally for their food... mad respect for you too. i'm too selfish for that. i like my foreign fruits.
- people who purposefully say "my ancestors did not fight to the top of the food chain just to become herbivores" ... uh.. no they also didn't fight to become carnivores either. they fought to survive . besides, they also gathered nuts, fruits, and berries. with your logic, does that mean we should annihilate every single plant for food? pathetic reasoning.
- people who openly admit they do it for taste. well... as long as you're aware of consequences and you can admit it. an honest person is better than being a liar.

On Sexuality, "sexcapades," and my opinion:

-Seriously? why does Sexuality even need to be talked about? I LOVE ALL MY LGBTAS BROTHERS AND SISTERS! you deserve the right to express yourself freely!! YOU ALL DESERVE THE RIGHT TO LOVE AND BE LOVED, BE MARRIED OR NOT AT ALL!!
oh right i remembered why it needs to be discussed...
- for assholes who think they need to be burned at the pyre and ignorant douchebags who think gay people all contract STIs because of anal sex... ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID? STIs also exist in straight people. Their sexuality and what they do in bed does not concern you. you need to re-educate yourself. and why are you so worried about their STIs? it's not like they'd WANT to sleep with you anyway, who'd want to have sex with an idiotic piece of shit like you?
-If you have fetishes, do not project your fetishes onto me. KTHNXBAI
- to people who are sexually active and are not in a relationship. hey not my business. just don't rape people. have fun! :P
- to people who are in a relationship but are sexually active without the other person knowing...  i think you should know you're cheating on that person. don't matter if you're a woman or a man. don't matter what the reason is, if you're unhappy why didn't you just leave the person? you're pathetic and you need to re-evaluate your life a bit.... IF IT'S CONSENSUAL AND THEY KNOW ABOUT IT, HAVE FUN :D just don't rape people.
- now you do whatever you want in the bedroom (except rape and cheating, cuz that's wrong and that's bad, don't do that shit.), it's none of my business. with that said, i believe sex is a special thing you should only share with your special someone. it's a time for intimacy and bonding between both people and i don't believe you should just give yourself to just anybody. i do understand, however, if you were always sexually repressed ofc you would want to be active because you're a healthy human being, why shouldn't you? (no slut-shaming or man-whoring here, folks). just remember to use protection cuz STIs are scary. but again that's your decision in the end, not mine.

main point: communicate. if it's ok it's ok. if it aint, respect that. and don't fucking lie to the other person.

On having children, and my opinion:

- i have a few friends of mine who are pregnant or who are already mommies. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU...  but don't except me to breed anytime soon. :)
- male friends, stop asking me for babies, i'm not a baby pumping machine.
- please see my previous blog posts about having children, this post is too long already. i guess that's about it.

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