Saturday 23 February 2013

The Opera House dream.

I was standing in the middle of the famous opera house in Paris that was said to have been haunted by the opera ghost... also known as.. THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!!!!

The opera house was run by a queen, similar to the wicked witch/queen from Disney's snow white. and i was the princess. i was not Christine in my dream, but i WAS the princess and i heard something calling to me. i assume it was the phantom. bahahaha.

i found myself walking towards a hidden tunnel just like the one in christine's dressing room (behind the rotating mirror) leading to the basement. everything went black. the only source of light came from the dimly lit candles.
(now, every single time a room is dark in my dream and i try to turn on the lights or light the candle, it's still always dark in the room no matter how many lights are on.

<-- IT TURNS OUT LIKE THIS, the room still dark but the light being on
instead of like THIS ----->
with all lights on and u can clearly see the room. BUT moving on.)

the tunnel was filled with paintings from the 1800's, framed in gold. connected to the tunnel was a flight of stairs with a red carpet leading to the third basement where the underground lake was. i climbed into a boat where the phantom was waiting. he rowed the boat across the lake (that glowed bright blue and green). i almost fell asleep in the boat when we made it across the lake. he disappeared and i was in the 5th basement surrounded by riches!!! it was like i hit jackpot. gold coins were everywhere, large diamonds, rubies, emeralds, pearls, sapphires, amethysts... there was also another river that lead to the sewers which were closed off. and then the phantom appeared.

he resembled the beast (furry, and he had fangs protruding) and he never gave his name. but he told me to refer to him as the beast, and whenever i needed help i could always call "the beast" to protect myself from the evil queen. she didn't have a name either but everyone called her that. the beast promised me that he'd protect me from whatever that would hurt me, given that everyone who encountered him either died or would fall into some sort of accident. he did keep his promise to protect me, and every night i fell asleep in the 5th basement. it eventually became my "home." one night (after skipping 5 nights in my dream) the queen discovered i was missing and my "lover" ordered a search party. he had no name either but for the sake of the story since he was cowardly, weak, wealthy, and a fop, I SHALL CALL HIM RAOUL.

i reached the lake to go back 'home" when i saw that raoul was on the other side already.  the evil queen appeared from behind him with the search party. i got into the boat to cross over, at the same time the beast appeared and from behind me and activated his trap doors.

i dont remember much after that but i remembered the beast tell me that he loved me *AWW :'( * and then he fought off the people who were trying to kill him. he told me to go through a trap door connected to a large painting. i went through and found myself outside of the opera house.

and i think the beast died :( so sad....

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