Thursday 6 March 2014


Ok so a month ago i went to go see Rusalka- Czech opera of the little mermaid. i gotta say even though it was my first time seeing an opera, i actually quite enjoyed it. not steven though.. he literally fell asleep and missed 60% of the show .__.

the singing was amazing. anyone who can belt and hold a high note for an extended period of time, i automatically respect.
not much acting. meh.

i melted when rusalka cried to her papa and he took her back ;__; aw... i hated the prince. anyone who cheats i loathe. HE DESERVED TO DIE ;__;

also i totally love the costumes. i also got to see behind the scenes of how they set up the stage in under a few minutes. and then i began to miss drama class .__.

1 comment:

  1. I also saw Rusalka in the cinema and oh gosh I was in love. This opera was so much in my style!
