Sunday 9 March 2014

Organizing Book Shelf + cleaning day

Ok so my book case came in yesterday (yayyy) and i finished setting it up so i cleaned out steven's second closet and moved all my books and media to the shelf. i dont know about you guys, but organizing a bookshelf is harder than it looks.

Yesterday i had only organized it by theme or by relevace; i had one full gackt section with other japanese music and movies, i had a tokio hotel section, i have a phantom of the opera section, i have a fantasy section, i have a section for cds, i have a section for just dvds and games, and a seperate section for my journals and sketchbooks.

but then i thought, well why just just move all the music to one section, all the dvds to one section, and all the books to two and have games in a corner? and THEN i thought" because i wanted to go for what i'm looking for, if i wanted ocean music i'd go to my ocean section. if i wanted phantom i'd go directly to phantom"

so when i organized it by theme, i realized it wasn't neat enough. then i had my japanese books that has the cover backwards and thought "oh god whyy"

so i'm gonna put my library shelving skills to good use and sort them into different types of media. then i'll put special items like boxed dvds first, genre, then in alphabetical order by author/creator... and then in the sequence of release date. ...except phantom, it gets a whole section by itself.

depending how large my collection is, i might have to put my heaviest collection on the bottom row. and then all of my paper work that i generally dont go for i'd have to leave on the top shelf.

oo and then i have to sort my boxes of gifts from friends, and all of my personal belongings in steven's closet

guess i'm organizing my things today!

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