Wednesday 13 March 2013

Mary-sue, how I loathe thee and thy clones :maybe spoilers:

Why on earth are there so many Mary-Sue books being turned into movies? UGH. I'm talking about books besides the Twilight series... Like Beautiful Creatures, or the Host, or even the City of Bones series.
Mary Sue: a female character representing the author. A poorly developed character, too perfect, and lacking in realism to be interesting.
It's overdone. It's lame. it's ANNOYING. It's like INUYASHA, or SailorMoon but the best qualities of it being magnified 10 TIMES until it is so fucking bad and cliche.

The Mary Sue story usually involves a normal boring school girl, suddenly introduced to a magical realm of vampire fairies, given magical powers and undergoes a magical change in herself, and all of a sudden supernatural creatures want her even though she is super ugly.

OR the complete opposite; magical, with many talents, awesome in music, and forbidden to love a human.


Let's BRIEFLY analyze these new movies for a little bit.

Beautiful Creatures
A new girl moves into town, and she's a witch who falls in love with a human boy. AS WITH ALL OTHER STORIES, she is forbidden to fall in love with a human boy. And then all hell breaks lose AND SHE FIGHTS FOR THE ONE SHE LOVES. She looks normal, but she can magically look incredibly beautiful, and she has a talent of playing violin.

Seen it being done already.

The Host
The girl and guy find love in a hopeless place. And then she gets kidnapped and her body is host to an alien. Once again, forbidden to stay in love with the human boy now that she's an alien, but she can magically fight against the illness, AND FIGHT FOR THE ONE SHE LOVES. She looks normal, except for the fact that her eyes can glow and the alien inside the girl can talk to her. Oh and also, the alien falls in love with the guy that the girl is with *SIGH... FORBIDDEN LOVE*.... And all hell breaks lose.

Interesting concept, if it wasn't for the fact that forbidden love just completely kills the entire thing.

City of Bones
Am incredibly normal looking girl school girl turns magical once she finds out she can "see shadowhunters" because her mother was one, and everyone else thinks she's crazy because she's the only one who can see these hunters. Of course, as with most plots, a love triangle happens between two guys and the main character. Hell also breaks loose again... from hunting demons. also, the girl and one of the other guys fall in love with each other but they find out near the end they're actually siblings... y'know, after they kissed n everything...


Seriously? Recycling themes too much here guys. Can I see something different?
War? fighting? fantasy? forbidden love? The main plot rotating around a girl? This is.. ugh. i cannot even. I put them in the same category as Twilight.

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