Monday 4 March 2013


On Sunday i got tired of being depressed and decided to do a body detox

I went swimming for two hours. normally i stay in the kiddie pool to practice strokes and kicks... and also because i was scared of the big kids pool where it's a bit deeper (the community center had two separate pools) but i decided to get rid of my fear for deep water and jumped into the big kids pool... as long as i stayed in the shallow end.

Wasn't so bad, i actually floated for the most part. maybe it was because there was more water that could hold my body up? idunno, i failed physics. but anyway it was pretty awesome. i kinda just sat "on" the water and waved my arms and legs a bit to just stay afloat. steven eventually joined me and it was a lot easier for him to float with only one noodle. (in the kiddie pool he normally uses two because he's just too heavy, i guess... but also maybe because there wasn't enough water to hold him up? again, physics.)

 I was a lot more relaxed in this water compared to the kiddie pool cuz i could just float and not worry about sinking.... or drowning. I practiced real strokes and dolphin kicks this time. I think I've made a lot of progress!

Emotionally, i feel a lot better after the swimming. i haven't gone to the community center for a while because it's been too cold to go out. i really missed swimming. It's so weird, i thought i'd forget how to swim after taking a month off, but it felt really natural to jump in the water and glide even after the fact. i can't wait to actual swim in my friends pool in a mermaid tail hahaha~~ i forgot how happy i used to be just doing whatever i wanted.

After swimming i took a long ass shower in the girls change room. ugh i so badly needed it.


Went back to steven's house to have veggie burgers. the past week i've been eating a lot less. because i was so depressed , i subconsciously not knowing i went vegetarian for a week! (Minus friday, i had popeyes chicken, popcorn bread and cajun fries. otherwise i had two cranberry toasts for breakfast and water, a handful of banana-chips, and a bowl of rice for dinner which really doesn't count as one full meal.) anyway for my meal i had two veggie burgers on whole grain buns with avocado, and potatoes on the side.

i think, after eating partially vegetarian for almost a week and swimming, i think i've lost some tummy fat. weight is still about the same but i am a lot thinner.


Since the disney party is this saturday i decided to do my nails to match my mermaid tail. (rosegold nails. pink sparkly nail polish on the tips of the thumbs and ring fingers, and sparkly gold tips on the rest.... it looks like i took off scales off my tail and placed them on my nails. and i left my toes rosegold in case i decide to take off my tail. i am the most extra person ever.

Watched a bit of King of the Nerds as planned. Didn't go see a movie though.

Then steven and i talked about useless stuff before i went home... stuff like "what's the deal with guys being attracted to two girls making out?"


then i decided to go home early and sleep. (went to bed at 9:30, woke up at 7:30. i'm actually a lot better now.)

lesson of the day? if you're feeling depressed, give yourself a physical detox. you'll feel a lot better.

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