Friday 29 August 2014

New Disney Cast Member. aka MEEEE


Super excited to start working for Disney! Now for those who wondered how i actually got in, i'm not telling. but i CAN tell you this: There was a lot of IMPROV. any theatre students out there? no? ok. since it was a group interview we had to sing and act on command without pausing. basically pretend like you're on stage... AND we had to read.

"what kind of interview WAS this??" you ask. the DISNEY KIND.

it was a pretty awesome interview. i sang an excerpt of IN SUMMER from Frozen, and then A Whole New World from Aladdin (the only person who had enough guts to sing). then we had to act out different scenarios as if we were on the job, aaand i pretended to read as if there was children in front of me. BONUS points for turning the book around too. then we had a full blown conversation about disneyparks and frozen.. and SPARKLES!! AND DRESSING UP... we get to dress up?? o-o snap it'll be halloween ALLDAY ERRDAY. I'M DOWN.

anyway. they called me back 15 minutes afterwards on my cell and asked how excited am i to be a cast member.

this was their reaction: are you gonna be ok?
me: YESS

now i just have to wait for an email confirmation from them so i can answer a few more questions or if they don't send me anything (by today) i have to call back sometime today so they can help me get set up. YAY!

Now that you know what went down (ish?) get ready for some cheese.
(Now you guys know i can't receive or give cheese, so it ends up being super difficult because i don't know what to say. But this come from the bottom of my heart so just bear with me!)


Disney, you've been in my life for a very long time. from the time i was in diapers and i first saw the little mermaid, until the day i got married and bought your Disney princess wedding gown/ blinged my nails with mickey mouse/ had your music playing in the background of my reception and ceremony/ had my very first Magical Disneyland trip as my honeymoon. You have been a great influence on me, you've taught me so many lessons, made me laugh, made me cry, made life a little more bearable, and made my life a lot more magical... you've brought so much joy to the world and I'm so happy that i finally get a chance to be a.... PART OF YOUR WORRRRRLLD (that was unintentional but it worked out that way :P) and officially be part of the Disney family. I've always wanted to do this for a really long time. EEP! Cannot wait to extend the same happiness and magic to others. Love you soooo much! Thank you for giving a little girl like me a chance, and for making my dreams come true!
Here's to many more memories! <3


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