Monday 28 January 2013

We've got the spirit, you've got to hear it under the sea!!

Wow, haven't posted in days...

I saw an episode of My Fair Wedding where David Tuttera created 
an undersea wedding where the reception and ceremony were all in 
the same room and reception started right away after the ceremony!

I loved the idea but i kinda didn't like the colours though. I kinda 
want something like this for the venue. Lots of shades of blue, 
pastel/rose water pinks, whites, gold, lilac... it just looks a little 
bit more grown up.

This image was taken off the internet....

 this photo was taken during the yule ball at Paradise Banquet Hall ;)
inside the room that i wanted for the wedding reception hehe~~

same with this one. it just looks more magical that way :3 hurrhurr

It's strange, i never really used to think about getting married up 
until high school when i just started dated steven. 
(yeah i know, we've been dating since high school.) 
the idea of having a mermaid/undersea/beach themed was 
nonexistent. i went through a phase and wanted a disney 
themed wedding or a lolita princess wedding. 
(what was i thinking??) 
ok maybe the disney one is still lingering at the back of my 
skull but only because of the little mermaid.

so then i decided to have a little mermaid wedding instead.. but 
there was the issue of steven's super asian family. so why not have 
kingdom hearts theme wedding?? i still keep my mermaid and have 
it so that we go into the "world of mulan" to have a chinese banquet 
hall dinner. but i have this thing where its like "we have asian food 
at home all the time. why am i gonna go out and eat more chinese 
food? getting REAL SICK OF CHINESE FOOD." 
SO, scrapped that idea and scrapped my cutting of cutting the 
pretty white kingdom hearts cake with the heart at the top with 
a keyblade.

the mermaid idea still remains. In asian culture, I'm still 
considered a child up until my wedding day right?
RIGHT! so even if the idea seems childish, i think it's fitting! 
so i decide to go in a completely different direction from my other ideas.

-Beach wedding? ok not bad, but it's Toronto and we're in Canada... 
nearly impossible to have a tropical beach wedding.
-Nautical wedding on a boat? ooo how romantic! except the boat is 
gonna capsize under all the weight of the guests... and there's extra 
paperwork to do because in order to get married and have a 
ceremony, there needs to be an address... and since we're on a boat.. 
on water.. NO ADDRESS.
-Under sea themed wedding and have it indoors? getting closer, but 
will it look like a prom rather than a wedding? colour scheme is important.
uh... Andrea, relax your imagination a little bit ok? also pricy laa.
How about a beach wedding indoors? eh... i don't know if it'll look right.

Oh well. i rounded it down to beach wedding or under sea wedding 
indoors. but then i was like "well why have a beach wedding if there's no 
beach? just go all out and have indoor undersea wedding!" 

now i had a conundrum.. what colours will make it look more grown up 
but still underwater? hence the above images. it kinda looks like the 
Broadway lighting for the little mermaid musical when Sebastian sang 
"under the sea" haha looks perfect :3 hurrhurr
Seriously can't wait for the big day to come. :le squee:

Now what to do for food... seafood? what about people that have 
seafood allergies? what about vegans? what about sustainable seafood 
eaters? ;__; 

what about all the mass amount of asian people and their picky eating habits???