Friday, 12 June 2015

8 weeks before closing


It is officially 8 weeks before move date, and I got shit to do. Imma make this post fairly quick.

I've gone to the home presentation, and, let's just say, I don't do well at "adult events."

Incident 1 - I did my best to look as old I possible could (much to my displeasure), and we reached the gallery where the presentation was being held, and there was a free art event for kids.
"I'm a kid" instead of strolling into the gallery to sign in, i went straight for the kid's arts and crafts. BUT Steven, being the good husband that he is, held me back and redirected me inside.

Incident 2 - We went to the booth to sign in but the lady only gave Steven his name tag and kept referring me as "guest." My bitch mode turned on. "But I bought the house too... my name should be there..." Sure enough it was. She gave me my name tag with our unit number on it, and... instead of going to the presentation room i went into the gallery where an artist was being featured.
(Which was incredible by the way. one installation art piece was just stringed pearls, and cloud artwork that hung from ceilings, fungi made from copper, and cloud paintings on rice paper. I HAVE A FEELING that i might be frequenting the gallery more often. It's a straight path from where our new place is, AND THEY HAVE ADULT PAINTING CLASSES. EEEP!!)

Incident 3 - Once we made it into the presentation room, we.... headed straight for the mini-bar and hor d'oeuvres and ordered (wait for it......) ginger ale.

Presentation was pretty brief. Talked about what we should expect what went into the house yadda yadda yadda. I lost focus pretty quick. Made acquaintances with a soon to be neighbour, and his wife and kid. Promptly made asian jokes and scared the child into listening to his parents (or else the asian lady will come after him. I am THAT person). And then question and answer time came and all the asians asked brick questions. just asian people. no one else. Then me and an asian guy at the back were silently like "bitch better have my monehh."
Context about the brick: people who bought vinyl for their house instead of brick immediately got a free upgrade TO brick. But people who already upgraded to brick prior had to pay for the uprade, so all the asian people (i'm assuming y'all didn't read the design/decor contract before actually signing?) ended up asking BRICK UPGRADE questions and if they would be receiving their money back. Someone should've told them, but otherwise it wouldve been included in their pamphlets and tiny cards.. had they actually been reading. THIS IS WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO READ.

Anyway after that i met with my sales rep who was there and informed her of my last name change and i needed to have two photo IDs to send to her (for lack of the second one, she requested my marriage certificate and so I have to get my passport changed. sigh.)

And with that I will need to start packing. BYE FOLKS!

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