Sunday, 4 January 2015

Stop asking me for Babies. TMI WARNING!


I shit you not, that's all I was asked this 2015. WTF guys it's only been 4 days and 5 months since I've been married, and already when I encounter new people or people I haven't met in such a long time I tell them "I'm not planning for children." THEN I receive the most "but" comments and judgemental looks WTF.

For example, a few days ago I met Steven's old mall employer and she was genuinely happy to hear married life was going absolutely perfect... but then she made the error of asking me when I'll be having children. :\ As per usual my response was "I'm not having any. One we're saving up money for the house, and two I'm still way too young."

Doesn't she go "You're not having ANY? What about Steven? How does he feel about it??"

And then YESTERDAY I went to my husband's family doctor because he's been avoiding his annual check ups for 10 years. I'm not exaggerating when I say 10 years. So we go in and i request for Steven to get all of the necessary tests done because a lot can happen in 10 years.. so routine check up, blood test, stool and urine tests (i know, TMI. #SorryNotSorry #hashtagsDontWorkOnBlogs) get his Hepetitis shots, AND a fertility test.

Back Story with the Fertility Test:
So not a lot of people know this, but I started going on birth control (yes, yes "all of the taboo things to talk about," shut the fuck up. This shit needs to be normalized.) because I feel that I'm not ready for children, nor am I planning for any. My family doctor (and family friend since I was just in diapers) suggested I start going on birth control just to be safe because she agrees that I'm still way too young and have my entire life to live. YUSS FEMALE DOCTORS! (totally not the point of this story.)
So we both started discussion the birth control option and how many kind of options there were. I chose going on the pill versus the patch or ring. Then we discussed the complications of going on the pill and what side affects might happen. Guys, there are a lot of risky health complications when going on birth control, like blood clotting, high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, headaches, bloating, breast tenderness, weight change, or fluid retention in the ankles/ feet and if you take any antibiotics the pill wont work as effectively. With that being said, she recommended this to me because she feels that the benefits were greater than the risks and complications. Discretion was advised regardless. So I got my prescription and *sigh* well those things aren't covered by OHIP so it's pretty damn expensive.
Then I started thinking.. well.. if I've been sexually active for 8 years, what are the chances of Steven being infertile? We've never had a pregnancy scare. IF he ends up being infertile well then it'll be convenient for both of us because 1) no scare, 2) it'll save us 87$ a month. that money can go into something else other than birth control. 3) one less pill for me to worry about.
Hence the decision to get a fertility test. continuing the original story

By this point the doc is looking at ME strangely and he asks me "Well have you tried for children?"
I respond with "No."
DOESN'T THIS BASTARD GO "Well if YOU haven't tried, how will you know ah?"
(Yes he was a male doctor. also totally not the point of this story. i lie, the point of the commentary is to never sit me in a room with a male doctor because they're the most judgemental and least understanding motherfuckers when it comes to females and the topic of birth. moving on...)
By that point I was pretty pissed off at him so I retort "Because I'm taking birth control and I want to see what my options are before I get off them and ruin my life."
Finally the doc caves in and is letting us get a fertility test.

WTF MAN, how come it's always about the husband and not about what the wife feels about HER BODY AND HER DECISION NOT TO PROCREATE? Anyway that's not what I told them, but guys... we HAVE sat down and talked about it and we MUTUALLY AGREED that we will not be having any. Kindly STOP asking me about it.

If you've forgotten my reasons for having children, go back to this blog post and read the reasons here.

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