Saturday, 25 October 2014

Ottawa Shooting 2014

For those that don't know... Google it, read/watch the news, look on your facebook/twitterfeed.
For those that are lazy, here's the synopsis: there was a shooting at parliament hill and a soldier was shot by a gunman.

Now recently there was a discussion the View about the shooting and Rosie O Donnell made some very controversial remarks about the shooting and then making it seem like the shooter had a mental illness... followed by (what looks like) downplaying our shooting and comparing ours to their everyday shootings.

First thing's first, it was a tragedy. Shootings rarely happen in Canada, but when they so they're handled (i think) better than Americans.
Yes we are anti-gun, but if you have a license to hunt/are a policeman, you can still have one. but that's besides the point.
For one, we don't glorify the gunman/terrorist/killer by talking about him. we talk about the victims and their family (Duh, that's what gunmen want-- attention. don't give them attention, fools). Plus we have better gun control. In places like canada and singapore (loosely quoting Xiaxue on this) there is rarely ANY shootings, and that's because we don't make guns readily available for consumers, thus lowering the chances of shootings. yeah there's still knife killing but the police can easily take them down without having to worry about the killer hurting a large bunch of civilians.

Here's where it gets a bit messy with Rosie.

Quoting the Globe and Mail,
O’Donnell said, “Most of these shooters have severe mental illness.”  
She went on to express support for a contentious tweet issued Wednesday by model Chrissy Teigen, who used the Ottawa tragedy to make her own point regarding gun control in the United States.
Teigen’s contentious tweet: “active shooting in Canada, or as we call it in america, Wednesday.” 
When Twitter users bridled at her comment, Teigen followed up with a second tweet, “Sorry you don’t understand that is a knock at America and our issues with gun control. No one is minimizing the Ottawa shooting.”
1) Mental illness is a serious issue. Whether he did or didn't, it does not excuse him from the fact that he (and all other previous gunmen) MURDERED people. You can't make up excuses for them and expect them to get better with meds. doesn't work like that.
However, there is no denying that his mind was twisted. what person in their right mind would murder someone they didn't know for no reason whatsoever?
2) you can't excuse the possibility that it was a pre-meditated attack.
3) Let's focus on the family and how it affected the whole nation.
4) Regarding Teigen's tweet, a lot of people were saying that tweet was insensitive. To me I think she's just acknowledging that our gun control is better than theirs. Gee thank you. BUT when rosie decided to retweet it, i feel like she completely missed the fact that violence is more accepted in america compared to canada (what up, pro-gun laws), that's why it was just "another wednesday" for her, and that's why it was no big deal for her. For us Canadians, the reason it had such a huge impact on the whole nation was because we take our shit seriously. Violence IS NOT and WILL NOT BE accepted here.

....... oh no wait this just appeared in my newsfeed.
Supposedly it was a planned terrorist attack by the government so Harper could pass an Anti-Constitutional Surveillance Law

Wtf. i... don't even know if this is legitimate.... i guess i won't talk about that because i'm not totally read up on conspiracy theories.

Anyway, for my american friends who are pro-gun, sorry i'm not sorry. your pro-gun laws are messed up. Clearly we're doing something right because we don't have shootings every single day. maybe your government should take a page from our books. actually maybe a few pages.. one regarding racism, two regarding gay marriages.

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