Sunday, 16 March 2014


Ok so yesterday two my of ladies and i went downtown to pick out the dress.


When we went, i actually had a lot of fun! it was almost like those tv shows but.. not PG :P there were lots of talk about boobs, bras, nipple flashing and pasties LOL...seriously this place is the best. i felt so at home! (also serious, those things need to be talked about!) And then we got to see different ways to wrap the dress so that (even though both girls were wearing the same dress) they could wrap it to suit their body type. one did a halter, the other one capped sleeves. both looked GAWWWGUS even though one was shorter than the other.

It was awesome :) the dresses are made out of jersey but they make it look so fancy! and when you wear it doesn't leave a mark!


Here's the thing with this place- the maids can wrap the dress anyway they want! so essentially you have like... 24 dresses with one dress because of all the different ways you can wrap it!

Let's say one goes "I want to bare my skin and feel sexy!" and another goes "I want to look modest, i'm shy," - You CAN have them wear the exact same dress. You can pick whatever colour(s) you want, and the maids can wrap it the way they want so that they're comfortable in it!
If there's any difficulty in choosing what kind of dress you want your bridesmaids in, or of there's any conflicts between bridesmaids about what they want to wear then i highly recommend this place.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Organizing Book Shelf + cleaning day

Ok so my book case came in yesterday (yayyy) and i finished setting it up so i cleaned out steven's second closet and moved all my books and media to the shelf. i dont know about you guys, but organizing a bookshelf is harder than it looks.

Yesterday i had only organized it by theme or by relevace; i had one full gackt section with other japanese music and movies, i had a tokio hotel section, i have a phantom of the opera section, i have a fantasy section, i have a section for cds, i have a section for just dvds and games, and a seperate section for my journals and sketchbooks.

but then i thought, well why just just move all the music to one section, all the dvds to one section, and all the books to two and have games in a corner? and THEN i thought" because i wanted to go for what i'm looking for, if i wanted ocean music i'd go to my ocean section. if i wanted phantom i'd go directly to phantom"

so when i organized it by theme, i realized it wasn't neat enough. then i had my japanese books that has the cover backwards and thought "oh god whyy"

so i'm gonna put my library shelving skills to good use and sort them into different types of media. then i'll put special items like boxed dvds first, genre, then in alphabetical order by author/creator... and then in the sequence of release date. ...except phantom, it gets a whole section by itself.

depending how large my collection is, i might have to put my heaviest collection on the bottom row. and then all of my paper work that i generally dont go for i'd have to leave on the top shelf.

oo and then i have to sort my boxes of gifts from friends, and all of my personal belongings in steven's closet

guess i'm organizing my things today!

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Recurring dreams

Ok so I don't know about you guys but I get recurring dreams A LOT.

I'm not sure when it started happening, but i guestimate it was around grade 10 when i first started getting them. they were recurring once every week, maybe a few times a week, so then Steven and i started actually keeping dream journals. every morning when i got into school i would type out pages and pages of what i remember, and it would be in extreme detail. whenever we both examined what each other dreamt of, we both noticed i had a recurring theme around my dreams - betrayal, unhappiness, love and death *cue tokio hotel song/ cue kerli song*

it wasn't until around grade 11-12 that these dreams were getting progressively worse. it would always be steven leaving me for his ex, or i would be with my old high school crush because something happened with steven. it's all very weird to me. i still cannot grasp the concept of repetitive dreams. the books i've read has said it usually mean that whatever youre dreaming of is what you want but you can never have it.

"but i'm perfectly content with my relationship, i don't wanna be with anyone else," i say!

then i've had friends say that "well do you think about it before you sleep? or anything" - no, i just don't think ._.

and then for the last 2-3 years they've been recurring every. single. day. of. my. LIIIIIIIIFE - give or take a few days without recurring dreams. and now people are saying "well maybe you have cold feet" because our wedding is coming soon.

sweeties, if i had cold feet i would've backed out a long time ago. i'd have to be crazy to back out from an amazing relationship. also it's been going on for about.... 8-9 years?


anyway now that i've said that, i figured out how to tell if i'm actually dreaming.

usually i dream of being in a dark house and tying to turn on the lights, but even though the lights were on, the room would still remain dark... it was almost like if you turned on the black lighting, but there would be the incandescent lighting underneath so it would glow. and even though lighting is still on, the room would still be in darkness, almost like if you were wearing thick and really dark sunglasses and if the lights were on in your room... (so if any of you have watched inception, you'll know that the main characters carry around "totems" to let them know if they're dreaming)
the act of turning on the light switch is when i'd be able to tell if i'm dreaming. every time i've done it in other dreams the same thing happens; the room remains dim.
except afterwards i'd have no way to control what's happening in my sleep and i can't lucid dream. no matter how many times i write in my dream journals (i have a few loose leaf papers and 3 actual journals now, two being completely filled up) i still can't stop the recurring dream.

so if any of you have ever dealt with recurring boy dreams, or know a way to stop recurring dreams in general ("not sleeping" is not an option, i need my sleep to function) then please share with me :(

Thursday, 6 March 2014


Ok so a month ago i went to go see Rusalka- Czech opera of the little mermaid. i gotta say even though it was my first time seeing an opera, i actually quite enjoyed it. not steven though.. he literally fell asleep and missed 60% of the show .__.

the singing was amazing. anyone who can belt and hold a high note for an extended period of time, i automatically respect.
not much acting. meh.

i melted when rusalka cried to her papa and he took her back ;__; aw... i hated the prince. anyone who cheats i loathe. HE DESERVED TO DIE ;__;

also i totally love the costumes. i also got to see behind the scenes of how they set up the stage in under a few minutes. and then i began to miss drama class .__.

Monday, 3 March 2014

wow 2 whole months without posting anything

damn i am late.

well where should i start?

1) work is taking a toll on me. dealing with sexist idiots who think that i'm "trying to feel powerful" just because i'm the only female in the office who is in a high position than they are. seriously, stop trying to hold the penis over my head and threatening me. it's not working.

2) my 8 year anniversary just passed. awesome time spent at niagara falls for 3days, 2 nights. but i didn't exactly appreciate marineland shoving their ads in my face. seriously guys stop it.

3) my wedding is this year. OH MY GOD.

4) i found my list of things to accomplish in my lifetime.. oh my god i finished like... all of them???

5) russia. seriously? wtf is wrong with you? you homophobic, and NOW you want to murder dogs for the olympics? automatic boycott. EDIT: aimed at putin and his regime, i am aware the whole country and all the russians aren't like that. some of my best friends are russian. we all want putin's dick served to dogs lol.

6) aweyiss canadians! we are winter!!

7) these recurring boy dreams need to stop. seriously. STAHHHHHHHHHP

8) a friend of mine and i just started a band. a mermaid band :P LOL. and it gonna be amazingly awesome

9) can i just say i am the best wing-lady ever? I AM THE BEST WING-LADY EVER.


11) i think Paige is "A"

12) i need some girl time.... ;__;

13) damn you guys still read by blog even though i'm gone huh?? i'm flattered :P

14) thanks to friends, they've helped me adopt and save a bottlenose dolphin and amazon river dophins as a wedding gift :') eeep <3



17) my back tatt is gawwgussss <3

ok i think thats about it :P