I hope everyone had a marvelous time at the wedding. People were crying, people were excited... yay!
But I'm also sure that some of you were questioning things like.. "why wasn't the cake cut?" or "why was the dinner so late?" and a bunch of other things like.. "where did Andrea and Steven go? they were supposed to walk around and greet us at the table??" "why was dessert so bad?"
Well everyone, I proudly present to you... behind the scenes of Steven and Andrea's wedding.
Let's start off with why dinner started so late:
It all started right after the ceremony. Now, for the whole day i was quite calm. i was ready to brace the fact that nothing would go right, but from the tea ceremony in the morning to the photography in the afternoon before the actual ceremony, nothing went wrong. it was actually quite fun.The venue was all set up, it was all magical and blue... when all of a sudden Steven's mother walks in with my dad and says 'we have extra 10 people who didn't RSVP, we let them in."
Steven and i paid had to confirm all the seating the week and a day before and she had said yes no more are coming. except what does she do? she doesn't even consult me and allows people in without our permission. So i had a fit... in the venue. so that's where i was for the most part. and that's why the dinner started so late: BECAUSE ASSHOLES DON'T KNOW HOW TO RSVP PROPERLY, BECAUSE PARTY CRASHERS DECIDED TO COME WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING, AND BECAUSE TABLES NEEDED TO BE SET UP FOR THEM.
And whats worse? she wanted US to pay for HER guests, and MY DAD was enabling her. So I yelled at her even more. AIN'T NO WAY WE PAYING FOR YOUR GUESTS WHO AREN'T EVEN OUR GUESTS. So she goes but they're family. Steven was also clearly agitated because then HE snaps back "that doesn't matter they should have said something a week or two before they cant just WALK in like it's their business, I'm not paying for them!" so she goes "OK i pay for them." but i didn't even think she understand the point.. they're being rude. they didn't even show to the ceremony. That went on for about 20 minutes and that's why dinner started to late (BTW thank you Kristen for getting me an alcoholic beverage to calm me down).
SO I apologize for that little drama guys. Now you know.
Obviously by this point I've stormed off to the bridal suite and people could probably tell "oh... something happened, the bride is NOT happy." i get inside to cool down.. until my older sister and the coordinator ask me "when is the cake gonna get here?" ... Warning: Freak out Initiated.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN? IS THE CAKE NOT HERE YET? I TOLD her to bring it! I even confirmed the date!" So my older sister, the bridesmaids, and I start calling and bitching at this girl who was supposed to bring my cake... It turns out she messed up the dates and got it confused for the 25th.. even though I had told her on July 3rd that the date was changed to July19th. I HAVE FACEBOOK MESSAGE HISTORY! :\ So here I am with no cake and I am freaking out and swearing like demons were just released from their fiery hellhole. The coordinator had a genius idea and rushed off to find the baker to see if they can setup a replacement cake or cupcakes. Thankfully the baker was sweet enough to stay past their shift to make me the cupcakes AND provide me a fake cake just for pictures and the cupcakes were brought out with the chocolate fountain along with the rest of the desserts. PHEW. (Thank you Mandy!) That's reason number two as to why we were late for the dinner. Went on for another 20 minutes because we had to confirm the last detail before we bring everyone in.
SO I apologize for that SECOND bit of drama. Now you know.
After that was finished and everyone goes inside, Amira instructs that we (Steven, my new sister Amy, and my mom) take the money box in.
That took up even more time because we had to make sure the envelopes were OK and not tampered with... and then Steven's MOTHER decides to walk in like it's her business even though he wad told her "No, we're not putting you in charge of the money box" (we had put Amy and my mother because we trust them more) and she was like "Nooo, I thought it was the bathroom! hehe" and looked inside to see the money box and almost comes in! I call bull shit and tell her "washrooms are the other way you went in them before when we did the wedding rehearsal" and I shut the door in her face. Then my DAD decided to walk in even though he agreed that he'd stay out as well but he had to give us extra envelopes from the wedding crashers, so it took even LONGER to count the envelopes. That's the third reason why the dinner started so late.
THRICE apologizing for that bit of drama. Now you know.
Now that that is clear, you must have noticed earlier that I said:
Our cake was fake and we had cupcakes.
"...my older sister and the coordinator ask me... "when is the cake gonna get here?" and i start freaking out. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? IS THE CAKE NOT HERE YET? i TOLD her to bring it! i even confirmed the date!" so my older sister, the bridesmaids, and i start bitching at this girl who was supposed to bring my cake.. It turns out she messed up the dates and got it confused for the 25th.. even though i had told her on July 3rd that the date was changed to July19th. I HAVE FACEBOOK MESSAGE HISTORY! :\ so here i am - with no cake and i am freaking out and swearing like demons were just released from their hellhole. the coordinator rushed off to find the baker to see if they can setup a replacement cake or cupcakes. thankfully the baker was sweet enough to stay past their shift to make me the cupcakes AND provide me a fake cake just for pictures and the cupcakes were brought out with the chocolate fountain along with the rest of the desserts."WELL... THAT'S WHY THE CAKE WASN'T CUT. BECAUSE IT WAS FAKE. Regardless of the fact, I hope everyone enjoyed the cupcakes and the chocolate fountain! The fake cake was pretty though wasn't it?
Onto the next point... you guys must have noticed how we kept disappearing frequently... well aside from the aforementioned points paragraphed above... there were plenty of other reasons
"Andrea and Steven are supposed to say hi to us at the table?? Where DAFAQ are they? AND why were their parents going around instead??"
Well here's the obvious reason why we didn't get to see everyone: K guys seriously i've been running around all day and the bride and the groom who's hosting the damn thing has gotta eat... starving much?Here's the not so obvious part: my mermaid dress. Even though it was super pretty, it was also super tight. So tight that I had to frequently hide in the back, ask Steven to loosen me when we were eating, or go into the bridal suite to unleash me from my tail... I really didn't get to eat so much.. and I was really looking forward to my steak and salmon ;__; so sad... so sad... paid that much and I didn't get to eat a morsel...
Here's why I actually disappeared: eventually Steven and I agreed "Time to make our rounds and greet everyone". We made it to the first half and we greeted everyone. But then his mother decided to upstage us and go around with MY parents telling everyone that SHE was the one who paid for the hall, AND STARTED RAISING GLASSES WITH EVERYONE. BULL SHIT.
So instead of going around to greet the second half, I storm off by myself into the bridal suite AGAIN with the coordinator... because seriously? I needed to vent. About Chinese people... and FACE. Stupid, fucking FACE. Thankfully, Amira, who was the lovely soul who sat through my racist Asian rant, kept me calm and calmed me down enough for me to go out. She loosened up my dress for me to eat, and I walked out. Eventually i saw everyone at the bar and decided to stay there and drink with everyone instead of touching my meal.
By this point i was ready to greet the other half of the room but.. almost everyone disappeared from their seats?? I'm assuming that's because they were all at the bar. So I thought "OK well I wasn't about to starve for no reason" so I greeted the people who were still there at their table... if you weren't at your table when I went around.. #sorrynotsorry #hashtagsdontworkonblogs :|
I quickly hobbled back to my chair but everyone I noticed was already eating desserts and I didn't get to touch my meal!! ;__; Speaking of desserts...
Why was dessert only fruit sorbet in a tiny cup?
Guess what everyone. I'm lactose intolerant. all their other dessert options had dairy, plus we had a chocolate fountain with fruit. their sorbets didn't have any dairy in them.AAAND that's about it everyone. Hope ya'll understand the details and what happened from the inside.